The Victorious and the Relentless
Episode 40: “Reunited and It Feels So Deadly”
Rodrigo, having compellingly blackmailed Tristan into coming aboard with his diabolical scheme, paced back and forth in the warehouse. He now feels certain that such a pact heralded a new era in his relationship with Callum. Soon we’ll be together with no one coming between our love. It’ll just be the two of us together… oops… baby Edward makes three, the perfect family. Little Edward is like an angel sent from heaven. I was with you, Callum, when you lost him and saw how much you were pained by it, which is why now that he’s back safe and sound, I’ll do everything to protect him from those who mean him harm. It’s precisely why I have to take out that child molester Nathan along with Tristan, once I get what I need out of him…
Bralen, having just had a quickie with Kyle before he returned to the police station, felt certain that Kyle’s increasing intimacy with him heralded the beginning of their relationship. With Heath out of the way and Tristan non-communicative, everything is running smoothly. I finally feel complete in my life with a man capable of returning my affections. I’ll hold onto him with all the strength I have. I may have lost a shot at Olympic gold thanks to you, Heath, but I won’t lose this chance at love, the irony being that your silence only aids my mission.
Callum, having overcome Siobhan’s defiance, felt certain that it heralded the fresh beginning of his relationship with Nathan. With Seamus out of the way, Brendon out of Nathan’s heart, and Siobhan intimidated by my power, I will have Nathan just like I wanted. I won’t let anyone get in my way this time… that includes Allison or any other brazen fool. Friends and family had gathered at Nathan’s home and were commandeering much of his time and attention. Must I wait until Seamus rots in the ground before I can have Nathan all to myself! Oh, well, what’s a few more days in exchange for a lifetime together with Nathan?
Talon, having just finished his room service meal, felt certain his return to Los Angeles heralded a new beginning for a prospective life with Callum. He had brought with him a photo album of past memories of them together and began flipping through it. After speaking with Iain earlier today, I know that Callum and I are meant to be together. We were so happy back then… just the two of us against the world, wanting to find our place. You found yours with Gavin. Mine sadly was always with you, but now that all the scandal of my alliance with Allison has been aired, I can work toward repairing our relationship and get back into your heart.
After hurriedly ending her conversation with Jeremy Dodd, Allison went straight to the Gay and Lesbian Center as she knew tonight was Chloe’s therapy session. Praying that she had attended it, Allison found herself speeding down the street in hopes of getting there before Chloe left. On impulse she decided to take a shortcut and as she neared her destination her eyes saw a spectacle that immediately chilled her heart. She saw Chloe lying in the middle of the street, cars coming right for her, horns blaring, brakes screeching. Chloe had risen and would have been struck had the car not swerved around her, but the man—that’s all Allison could make out of the person from the headlights—was not as lucky as he was hit by the car, going over the top and crashing to the ground.
Allison (getting out her car): Chloe! (rushing over to her)
Chloe (shaking from shock): Allison?
Allison: Are you okay? What happened? (pulling out her cell phone)
Both women had turned at the sound of a racing motor. They disbelievingly watched as a car pulled up to the fallen, injured man who had risen from the ground and hopped into the car’s passenger seat, the door thrown open for him. Once inside the car sped off, leaving a trail of exhaust fumes in its wake. Allison moved forward with her call to 911 before tending to Chloe. The driver of the car that had struck the man got out and came over to Allison.
Driver: Did you see what just happened? Can you believe that?
Allison: I already called the police. They should be here soon. (turning to Chloe) What happened?
Chloe: Th-They attacked me.
Allison: They? You mean the other guy in the car as well?
Chloe (nodding): Allison, I-I was so scared. (breaks down crying)
Allison (holding her): I’m here now. They can’t hurt you.
The police soon arrived and the driver whose car hit the man briefly gave his statement. He had earlier rejoiced that there appeared to be little damage done to his car. Chloe likewise gave her statement, and with Allison’s suggestion, they went to the station for further questioning. Allison had already called Kyle, who immediately greeted them with concern.
Kyle (to Allison): Has she seen a doctor?
Chloe: I’m fine. I only fell.
Allison: I still want you to come with me to the hospital after we’re done here.
Kyle: Chloe, tell me exactly what happened.
Chloe: I had just left the center around nine. I was driving down the street when I got a flat. I pulled to the side of the road, and that’s when they showed up and attacked me. I tried to defend myself with the pepper spray (turning to Allison). You always told me to carry it in my purse.
Kyle: Did you get a good look at them?
Chloe: It was dark, but I could make out what they looked like.
Kyle (encouragingly): That’s good.
Chloe: It was two of them…mid-twenties, tall, both looked Caucasian, one spoke with what sounded like a Russian accent. They had tattoos, piercings, and one of them had on a white wife beater. That was the one who threw me in front of the car.
Allison: Kyle, I also got a look at him when he was hit by the car. It wasn’t a good one since my main concern at the time was Chloe.
Chloe (more to herself): They were so mean and cruel, calling me a dyke.
Allison (hearing Chloe’s murmur): Kyle, do you think this was a hate crime?
Kyle: I don’t know. It could be. From Chloe’s description, these could be gang members. (to Chloe) I’m going to send you to a sketch artist and also have you look at some mug shots based on the descriptions you gave.
Allison: Kyle, what about Chloe’s car? She told me they pulled her from it. There may be prints inside it.
Kyle: Good idea, Allison. I’ll send someone over to look at it. (gets up from desk, goes over to door, shouts to assistant) Ted, please take Ms. Dalton to see Gerard. (Chloe gets up to go, Allison briefly stays in the office) It’s good that you came along when you did.
Allison: You can rest assured I’m not leaving her side tonight.
Kyle: I thought you’d be in New York with Nathan and Siobhan.
Allison: I was supposed to leave out tonight, but I’m not leaving Chloe alone. She means too much to me. (looking forlornly into the distance) Besides, I’ve put Nathan before our relationship one too many times. (snapping out her daze) Anyway, thanks, Kyle.
Kyle: I’ll do everything in my power to catch the bastards who did this to Chloe. (goes over to hug Allison, she gives a friendly kiss and goes off to be with Chloe)
Kyle closed the door, exhaled, and fell into his chair, raking his hands through his hair. Some night this is turning out to be. I hope we find the punks responsible for this. People like them should be locked up for life just like those bastards that attacked Heath. It was this thought of his lover that sent Kyle back to the task on which he was working before Chloe’s incident happened. He had requested a report of the findings at the site of Heath’s car crash at the bottom of the cliff up near Malibu. In reading through it, his sharp mind caught onto something puzzling.
Though the car had partially filled with water, they had searched a wide scope of the area and had yet to find Heath’s body or any of his personal belongings. I remember when I read the note he left me, I had rushed straight over to Tristan’s and went into Heath’s room. There was nothing there. None of your few clothes were there. Something’s not right about this. Where are you, Heath? I know in my heart you’re not dead otherwise I would feel it. I can’t move on without you. I must get to the bottom of this. I have to find you.
Enid had been rumbling through her clothes, frantically looking through papers and items on top of her desk, and nudged Justin aside as she kneeled to the floor and peeked under the bed that had been positioned on cinder blocks. Justin, clad in black shorts, white tanktop, and a black beanie, had his attention fully devoted to the video game in his hand, Enid’s search for her ID card not fazing him in the least.
Enid: Are you sure you haven’t seen it?
Justin (punching buttons, his eyes never leaving the little monitor): No, I haven’t. Why don’t you just get a new one?
Enid: Because it costs $20 for a replacement. Call me cheap, but if I’m dropping $45,000 a year for an American education, I shouldn’t be penalized with unnecessary charges.
Justin (sotto voce): Just pay it. You’ve got the money. (aloud) What’s the big deal about it anyway?
Enid: For starters, we can’t enter the building without it. You have to electronically swipe the card for the doors to open, and I don’t want to keep secretly trailing other students into the building. Besides, I have money loaded onto that card for campus meals and expenses.
There came a knock at the door. Knowing that it was late and he was on the all-girls floor of the dorm, Justin, without haste, darted under the bed. Enid went to look through the peephole, sighing as she opened the door.
Enid: It’s just you.
Iain: Yeah, don’t get too excited you’re not the life of this floor yet.
Enid (sticking her tongue out at him): I can’t find my ID card.
Iain (entering the room): That’s bad. You need that for everything here. (his eyes sweeping her room) Where’s your little moocher off to?
Justin (sticking his third finger from under the bed in plain sight of Iain): Asshole!
Iain (seeing the finger): Oh, there you are, lying down as usual. How much energy are you expending to hold your finger out like that? I think that’s the most work I’ve seen you do.
Enid (admonishingly as Justin scoots from under the bed): Iain, do you mind?
Justin: You don’t have to be such a dick!
Iain: And you needn’t be such a sloth. What is it you do again? You’re not a student here.
Enid (butting in): When does Student Services open in the morning? I need the ID card for my meal plan.
Iain (gesturing to Justin): So you can feed him? Let him work for his bread and water. There are loads of burger joints that he could apply to up and down Figueroa Boulevard. (turning to Justin) You’ve worked before, right?
Enid: That’s it, Iain! Enough with your sarcasm! Justin’s a mate so you can stop slagging him off in front of me.
Iain: Fine then. I’ll carry on doing it behind your back.
Enid: Is there some purpose you came here? You live on the other floor. I’m sure one of the lads down there is crying out for his resident advisor.
Iain: I wanted to talk sense into you. You could get into loads of trouble, harboring this—(turning to him)
Enid: Iain, not another word!
Iain: Fine, have it your way, but he spells trouble. (goes to door and then turns back to her) Just know I’m looking out for you, Enid. (pats her shoulder before leaving)
Justin: Thank God he’s gone. (goes back to playing his video game, laying his head back against pillows as Enid now rolls her eyes)
Godfrey had ended his phone call with Priscilla, who as usual said naughty remarks that both titillated his libido and his funny bone. They were to have lunch soon, and a smile crept over his face at the prospect of seeing her again. His joyful mood was soon interrupted by the banging on the door. He opened it to the angry expression of Brendon Roberts.
Brendon: Where the hell is Callum?
Godfrey (haughtily): I beg your pardon.
Brendon: Where the hell is the bastard that pays your salary?
Godfrey: He’s not here.
Brendon (brushing past him): Then I’ll wait for him.
Godfrey (sighing): Then you’ll be waiting an indefinite period of time. His Lordship is away on business in New York. Now I suggest you take leave otherwise I’ll have you removed.
Brendon (reluctantly moves to doorway, gets in Godfrey’s face): You tell him I’m onto his little game! (noting Godfrey’s facial confusion, he then storms off)
Maroon 5’s “She Will Be Loved”opens this scene as Chloe opens her eyes to the sunlit bedroom, rising upright in the bed and stretching her arms. She yawned as Allison knocked on the door and entered, a breakfast tray in her hands. Allison came over to her, kissed her, and laid the tray on the bed stand.
Allison: Good morning. Did you sleep well?
Chloe (glancing over at clock): Shouldn’t you be at work now?
Allison: You really didn’t expect me to go in today. Wild horses couldn’t drag me away from you.
Chloe: But you’re a surgeon. They need you at the hospital.
Allison: I don’t care if the President of the United States needs me to operate on him. I’m staying here with you.
Chloe: Well, you were always a Lesbian against Bush.
Allison (laughing as she leans in to kiss her): Well, he’ll be out soon. Damn Republicans!
Chloe: Hey! I saw the way you looked at Sarah Palin on the TV last night.
Allison (getting into bed with her, wrapping her arm around Chloe): She doesn’t hold a candle to you.
Chloe (resting her head against Allison’s breast): Thanks for everything last night.
Allison: I’ll never let that happen to you again. You mean too much to me.
Chloe loved the warmth of Allison’s body. She closed her eyes, and at once her ears picked up the sound of Allison’s beating heart. It was a peaceful moment for them, and one that Chloe needed as she had a nightmare about the car… those blinding lights heading straight for her. She shook her head, raising it up so that she could look into Allison’s eyes. There was so much love and concern in them.
Allison: You must be starving. (reaching over to tray to get a strawberry off tray) You didn’t eat anything last night. (handing her strawberry) Here, eat!
Chloe (biting into it): I was so wrong to ever hurt you.
Allison: That’s all in the past now. (reaching over to kiss her) I love you.
Chloe kissed her back with an emotional tenderness that surprised her. Cradling Allison’s face in her hands, she looked deeply into her eyes once more. In that moment, she did feel loved… loved beyond all measure. She wrapped her arms around Allison for a warm embrace. They fell back against the pillows.
Chloe (interlacing her fingers with Allison’s): I won’t put you through anything like that again.
Allison: I told Jeremy Dodd I would fight for you, and I meant every word of it. (reaching over for another strawberry, bites into it)
Chloe (playfully): Hey, are you going to eat all my breakfast?
Allison (laughing): There’s more in the kitchen, but I’m too lazy to go downstairs. Here with you is where I want to be.
Chloe leaned over to hug her, resting her head upon her right shoulder. I don’t deserve you, Allison Trudeau, but I’ll do everything to make this right for you. She pulled away and lovingly kissed her again.
Chloe: That’s fine with me. You always knew how I liked breakfast in bed.
Enid had risen early and went to get her replacement ID. With it, she bought snack foods for Justin, brought them back to the room, and then left for her Roman civilization class. When she returned to the dorm later that morning, she fished inside her purse for the ID card. She let out a shriek when someone grabbed her arm.
Enid: Oi, what are you doing? (fear coming over her face as she recognizes the person)
Brendon: Where’s my son?
Enid: Who are you? What are you talking about?
Brendon (tightly squeezing her arm): Don’t act stupid with me. You know where Justin is.
Enid: Who? (shrieking loudly as he increases the pressure around her arm)
Brendon: Don’t play with me, Little Girl. I’ve had enough of your games, Enid.
Enid (her pupils dilated): How do you know my— (screams as Brendon tightens his grip)
Brendon: I know Callum put you up to this. You do know him, right? (pulling out the ID) You share the same last name, accent—
Iain (having come outside the dorm at the same time as Enid’s loud shriek): What’s going on here?
Brendon: Butt out!
Iain: I will once you take your hands off her. (exchanging daring looks with him) Either that or I contact campus security.
Brendon (forcefully releasing her arm): You tell Callum I’m onto him. (getting in her face) And I will get my son back! (turns to leave, once more exchanging a malicious look with Iain) I’ll be in touch.
Iain (once he’s gone): What the bloody hell was that about? (Enid remains silent) He said something about his son. What’d he mean by that? (her expression gives it away) This wouldn’t by chance have anything to do with Justin, would it? (her expression once more giving herself away) Enid!
Enid (moving back towards dorm entrance): He had nowhere else to go, and I can honestly see now why he ran away. (swipes card for entrance)
Iain (following her inside): You’re in over your head. Have you even stopped to think about what you’ve got yourself into?
Enid: Justin is a good person.
Iain: Well, right now it’s not Justin I’m worried about. It’s his father. Did you just hear him… the threat he gave you?
Enid (nonchalantly): What of it?
Iain: He’s not going to stop until he finds his son. He’ll be back.
Enid (suddenly concerned): What should I do?
Iain (sighing): C’mon, we’ll figure something out.
The day of Seamus’ New York memorial arrived, and there was much movement in the Moynihan household. Upset that he hadn’t spent any time with Nathan since his family members had filtered in, Callum couldn’t wait for the whole affair to be over with Seamus laid to rest. On this busy morning, he really wished he had stayed at a hotel. The house was noisy and Nathan’s sister Sinead was constantly crying over her loss. She had taken forever in the bathroom, prompting Callum to spend his time placing a call to Godfrey, who told him of Brendon’s unexpected visit the prior evening. Callum wondered what it was about but then remembered the bathroom. When he opened the door, he found a welcome surprise with Nathan standing in front of the mirror, bare-chested and in the midst of shaving, white cream on the sides of his face and underneath his chin.
Nathan (noticing Callum’s entrance): Oh, sorry, I forgot to lock the door. I’ll be done in a few.
Callum (closing the door behind him): Don’t rush on my part. (locking the door, the sound prompting Nathan to smile in the mirror as he looked at Callum’s reflection)
Nathan: What are you doing? (feeling Callum’s arms wrapped around his torso and the young man’s head resting on his back of his shoulder)
Callum: At last we have some privacy. Your family—
Nathan (laughing): I’m sorry about that. (turning around to face Callum, looking into his eyes): I promise you we’ll have our time together soon.
Callum (hastily kissing him, a smear of shaving cream getting on his face): I can’t wait.
Nathan: You’re going to have to. (suddenly serious) Listen, I’ve been thinking that perhaps you shouldn’t come with us to Ireland.
Callum: Pardon?
Nathan: I know you and Ma are getting closer with each other, but I know she’ll want it to be just family when Dad is—(choking up)
Callum (hugging him): I’m fine with that. Just don’t get distracted by some handsome Irish bloke and be sure to mind that Liffey water.
Nathan (laughing): Ah, Callum, you always put me at ease. Thanks for understanding.
Callum: I’ll head back to Los Angeles after the service.
Nathan (taking a towel and wiping the cream from Callum’s face) You should go to the Echo Park Staircase run tomorrow and show some support for Allison. It’s one of her inaugural events as the new president.
Callum (scoffing): Why Austin designated her as president is beyond my comprehension. He should have chosen you.
Nathan: Thanks for that vote of confidence.
Callum: I’d trust my life with you. I already trust my heart to you. (moving in to kiss but there’s a loud rap on the door)
Siobhan (on other end): Nattie, are you almost ready?
Callum (opening the door to her shocked expression): He just needs to pop into the shower, Love. I was telling him that we could conserve water and energy if we showered together.
Nathan: Callum! (coming up behind him) Don’t give Ma a heart attack. Even Brendon wasn’t that brazen.
Callum (raising his eyebrows): Siobhan, please accept my apology. Your son is just so irresistible.
Siobhan (disregarding him): The car will be here in half an hour. I suggest you hurry.
Nathan (pushing Callum out): I’ll be done in ten. (door closes)
Callum: That’s a lovely dress, Siobhan. It certainly fits the grieving widow.
Siobhan: I’m afraid Seamus’ death is just the beginning of my grief.
Callum: Cheer up! Think of it this way. You’re losing a scheming, lying husband, but you’re gaining—
Siobhan: A blackmailing snake trying to sink his fangs in my son. (turns on her heel and leaves)
Tristan was feeling sick with himself. His pants had been taken off so that they could be cleaned after he had peed in them. Having been held captive for three days, he missed his family and friends and regretted making a pact with a psychopath. I had to agree to it. I can’t have him threatening Estrella. In her condition, she can’t be put in harm’s way. But what’s stopping him from turning on me? He can’t be trusted, yet there’s not much I could do about it. He’s got me chained with those goons periodically holding me at gunpoint. One of them looked injured today, all bandaged up in spots. He must have got into a street fight. I can only hope that people are starting to worry about me… surely Vincenzo has. It was during the afternoon that Rodrigo had made his appearance.
Rodrigo: How do you like your new home? (throwing some bags down on the floor) I went to the trouble of getting you some new threads. You can try them on tomorrow.
Tristan: What happens tomorrow?
Rodrigo: We start work on my plan for Nathan. Remember our deal. His life or your girlfriend’s… oh, and before you get any fancy thoughts, I sent her and your friends a text message from your phone saying you were out of town with a friend.
Tristan: You bastard!
Rodrigo: What? You didn’t think I would cover my tracks? (grinning) We can’t have anyone knowing about our little arrangement here. (withdrawing his trusty gun) Now I need you to start telling me everything you know about Nathan, starting off with how close you are to him.
Tristan sighed and began talking, a crippling sense of dread overtaking him.
Enid had finished her last class that day. She had sat down to get started on reading about Eastern religions when there came a knock at her door. She crossed to it, opening it to the appearance of some formal-looking woman who identified herself as a representative of the Housing Council.
Enid: How may I help you?
HCR: We received a call that you have someone living in your room with you. I’m sure you know this is against housing policy.
Enid: Miss, I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about. There’s been no one staying here with me.
HCR: You wouldn’t mind if I come in?
Enid (moving aside for her to enter): No, but I would be interested in knowing the identity of the person spreading this rubbish about me.
HCR: (looking around room, peeking under bed and inside closet): That’s confidential. At any rate, it appears they were wrong.
Enid: You may want to check the rooms at the end of the hall. Many of those girls are pledging sororities and have boys staying overnight all the time.
HCR: I’ll look into that. Thank you for being so cooperative. (turns to leave, Enid giving a sigh of relief)
She then followed the HCR at a safe distance down the hall, darting into the bathroom just as the woman turned the corner for the elevator. Enid waited a few seconds before coming back into the hall where she heard voices talking around the corner, one of which she instantly recognized as Brendon’s. She peeked around the corner and saw him and the HCR. So he’s behind this. Thank goodness I had my wits about me. I’m sure my big brother would be proud of his little sis for pulling the wool over their eyes.
A quaint part of the city of Los Angeles, Echo Park boasts more than twenty-four public stairways that cross through its hilly terrain. Austin had devised a running trail that covered nearly all of the staircases, and many Outrunners turned out for the event—no doubt due to Allison’s influence as the new president. Maps of the course had been issued to everyone, and Allison had given time over to Austin for instructions.
Austin: If you’ve never been to Echo Park, it can be very confusing and easy to get lost. Please look for the pink ribbons attacked to the posts along each route. They should keep you on track, but there will be a few Outrunner volunteers riding around in cars to guide you back on course if you stray.
Only half of the gathered crowd was paying him attention, for at that moment a grandiose black stretch-limousine rounded the corner of Glendale Boulevard, pulling up to the curb, a few feet from the grassy park where they were assembled. The muscular, liveried driver got out, rounded the vehicle, and opened the door, reaching his hand inside for Callum to take hold. Once outside the limo, Callum went straight to the crowd, stopping short of Bralen talking with club secretary Mike Kirkland.
Callum: Good morning, everyone!
Bralen (snidely): That was some grand entrance you felt compelled to make, Callum.
Callum: Probably not as grand as some of the entrances your body’s capable of making. (crosses over to Allison) Allison, how are you this morning? I understand congratulations are in order for you.
Allison: You couldn’t resist making a spectacle of yourself.
Callum: Please spare me your remarks about that. I’ve already heard enough from Bralen. I would have driven myself, but I only just got back into LA a few hours ago. I’m sure you knew I was in New York with Nathan.
Allison (sour expression on her face): Yes, Siobhan called me to bemoan your presence in her home. I told her to stock up on sanitizers and holy water.
Callum: Both she and Nathan were looking for you, but I understand you chose to stay here with Chloe after some hit and run incident.
Allison: It wasn’t exactly a hit and run. Chloe was attacked and was nearly run over.
Callum: My word! Who would do such a thing?
Allison: I certainly wouldn’t put it past you.
Callum: Allison, if I were driving a car that ran over either you or Chloe, I would do the honorable thing and first put the car in reverse just to make sure the job was done.
Allison (balking): You—
Callum: I shouldn’t have said that. I’m trying to turn over a new leaf. I wanted to give you something. (handing her an envelope)
Allison (opening the envelope): What’s this?
Callum: Two airline and ferry tickets to the Isle of Lesbos for you and Chloe. This time of year it’s a popular pilgrimage destination for your species.
Allison: No thanks!
Callum: You should permanently relocate there. Perhaps you can start a trend of outsourcing lesbians.
Allison: You mean like the outsourcing of bitches from England. (throwing the tickets at him) I would never take anything from you.
Callum: You ungrateful cow! (getting in her face) You’re lucky I’m being this civil towards you after your meddling cost me my relationship with Talon, and your nutty partner nearly cost me my family. I swear between the two of you, I haven’t seen a pair of madder lezzies since watching Heavenly Creatures.
Allison: You only got what you deserved.
Callum (picking up crumpled tickets): No bother! I’m sure Chloe and Estrella would be more appreciative of my kindness. I’ll book tickets for them on one of those lesbian cruises with lots of food and fun, though I’m sure Estrella would be the one doing most of the eating, and Chloe, as a result, would be the one having most of the fun.
Allison (gesturing to strike him, but his hand prevents her): You bastard!
Callum: I warned you to stay out my affairs. Now I’ll make sure you lose everything… Chloe, your job, livelihood, and anything else that matters to you. By the time I’m done, the only thing you can look forward to are nights of solitaire and vaginal dryness.
Allison reactively shoves away his body, watching him fall face-first into the recently manured ground. Blur’s “Song 2” ( plays as Callum rises from the ground and lunges for Allison, throwing her off guard. Her body slammed into the ground as Callum tried to straddle her.
Allison: Get off me! (feeling him latch onto her shoulders, trying to raise them off the ground so that he could force her head back onto the hard earth)
Callum: You stupid—(suddenly slapped by her)
She pushed him off her, and by this point many Outrunners had seen the spectacle, their bodies eagerly locked in a state of paralysis, their eyes aglow with the thrill of a gladiatorial scene before them. Allison was coming in their direction, oblivious to Callum charging into her backside, the two of them once coming into contact with sodden earth, only this time they were reacting to gravity as their bodies tumbled down the little hill that led to concrete path that wound around the lake. Allison hit the flat surface first followed by Callum falling alongside her, their unexpected arrival sending a flock of geese into fleeing.
Callum (rising): You shouldn’t get too close to the water. Remember what happened the last time.
Allison (rising): As I recall, I kicked your ass.
Callum (pushing her away, she loses her balance and falls into the lake): You also got wet! Oops! Did I do that? Normally, I’m against water pollution but today I just don’t give a damn! (turns to leave, sees a penny on the ground, bends over to pick it up) I might as well make a wish you drown.
As he picked up the coin, Allison rose from the lake, climbing back onto the path, her clothing profusely dripping wet. Callum released a shriek as her strong hands latched around his neck.
Allison: Why don’t you do that first?
Callum: Let go of me, you Amazonian freak! (she tighten her grasp, his hands try to claw at hers )
She eventually released him when she heard voices shouting her name, one of whom was Chloe’s. Callum fell to his knees, his lungs greedily trying to take in as much air as possible. Allison spun around to see Chloe, Austin, and Dr. Shoai rush up to her.
Allison (pulling aside strands of stringy, wet hair from her face): Kian! What are you doing here?
Dr. Shoai: You invited me, remember. I wanted to support your first undertaking as president.
Allison (going red in the face): I’m so sorry you had to witness that. I-I don’t know what came over me.
Callum (rising from the ground): That would be your angry vagina. It’s been in hibernation since the Ice Age. (turning to Chloe) Right, Chloe?
Austin (coming in between Allison and Callum as she aggressively moved toward him): That’s it, Callum. I think we’ve heard enough from you. Just leave Allison and Chloe alone.
Callum: What’s this I hear? Are you standing up for her?
Austin: She doesn’t deserve your mistreatment.
Callum: Shouldn’t you be at home with Drake?
Austin (anger in his eyes): Don’t you dare say his name!
Callum: I understand he’s in a nonresponsive state. Come to think of it, I’d rather like him that way.
Austin (charging for him but Allison stops him): You bastard!
Allison: Austin, he’s not worth it.
Callum: I can see you’re in pain, but I can assure you muff-cuffing yourself to Allison isn’t the answer.
Dr. Shoai: Perhaps you should go.
Callum (haughtily): And you are?
Dr. Shoai: I’m Dr. Kian Shoai. Can’t you see you’re upsetting them?
Callum: I’m aware of that.
Dr. Shoai: Your behavior, Mr. Sutcliffe, is appalling. The fact that you can be so callous to those in grief suggests you’re suffering from—
Callum: Spare me the lecture, Doc. Simply because you have a PhD—
Dr. Shoai (correcting him): Actually, it’s an MD. I’m a psychiatrist who is more than qualified to diagnose various psychoses.
Callum: Then perhaps you should consider treating Allison and Chloe, who are both in dire need of therapy and lobotomies. As for Austin, a blowup doll and an expired tin of mushroom soup might do the trick. (seeing the seething anger on his face, turns back to Dr. Shoai) Anyway, Doc, it was a pleasure meeting you. I’ve no doubt your credentials are legitimate unlike the quack physician next to you. Her were purchased online. At any rate, I no longer feel like running. Ciao! (turns and walks off, gets into the limo, and leaves the area)
Lindsay had managed once more to make it onto the grounds of Shady Palms, successfully evading the paparazzi. Dressed in the most common of clothing and wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, she met with Heath half an hour before lunch on the grassy lawn outside the art studio. He was showing her a colored drawing that he had just finished, an image of a thorny, black rose, a chain gripping around its stem with what appeared to be water droplets falling from the petals. At least I think that’s supposed to be water… and not blood. It’s a little too dark for my tastes.
Lindsay (handing it back to Heath): It-It’s—
Heath: Crap, I know. I’m doing it for Dr. Shoai. This art therapy was all his idea.
Lindsay (hesitantly): Is it helping?
Heath (gesturing to drawing): It’s supposed to represent my feelings for Trey—I mean Tristan.
Lindsay (laughing): Now that was a Freudian slip! How are things with him? Is he still giving you a hard time?
Heath: I just keep away from him even though he keeps giving me the eye.
Lindsay: I’d pay him no mind.
Heath: I wish I could scare him off.
Lindsay: I think the only thing that frightens Trey would be a case of blue balls.
Heath (laughing): It’s good to see you again, Lindsay. You know I get lonely here.
Lindsay (hugging him): Awww…. Honey, you just keep doing what I told you, and you’ll be out of her in no time… (playfully poking him) and back into the arms of your drop-dead gorgeous husband.
Heath (at her reference to Tristan): Have you seen him anymore?
Lindsay: Funny that you should ask! Earlier today I was on the phone talking with my attorney and asked her about him since they’re friends and all. She went crazy, said she hadn’t seen him in days and that he wasn’t returning her phone calls. She’s starting to worry about him. (teasingly) It sounds like you may have some competition, but I wouldn’t fret about it. Tristan’s committed to you, and besides I’m sure Estrella has more than enough straight men interested in her.
Heath: Estrella? As in Estrella Tartaro?
Lindsay: Yeah, silly, she’s my attorney.
Heath (angrily rising from the table): Lindsay, do yourself a favor and get better legal representation. That cunt isn’t worth your money. (starts walking away)
Lindsay: Ouch! (rising to follow him) What do you have against her?
Heath (turning to face her): You really want to know? That whore has been after Tristan all this summer. I even once caught them having sex. Apparently, he’s gone back to her! (he storms off, leaving Lindsay in a flabbergasted state)
I guess I could have eased his nerves by telling him that Estrella possibly has a female stalker. Maybe she’ll try playing for the other team and give Tristan a rest.
Katy Perry’s “Thinking of You”opens this scene with its spot-on lyrics playing in the background as Kyle blankly kisses Bralen, tasting his succulent lips yet in his mind he was imagining them with Heath’s gentleness. Closing his eyes, he tried very hard to envision Heath’s sweet mouth as his tongue sought the delicate cleft above Heath’s upper lip. Bralen reacted wildly to that unexpected gesture, and moved his head so that their mouths fully connected. Both Kyle and Bralen were naked on top of the sheets, Kyle’s legs feeling both the softness of Bralen’s legs and the hardness of his erection.
Bralen: You’re very excited this afternoon. (smiling) I like that.
Kyle (lovingly caressing Bralen’s forehead, pushing back the hair): I know you do. (playfully biting his neck)
Bralen loved the feel of Kyle’s stubble against his skin. Rolling his eyes back in their sockets, he allowed his hand to wander down the contours of Kyle’s body, feeling the muscles of his shoulders, the curvature of his back, and the firmness of his ass. His fingertips felt on fire with the action, Kyle seemingly giving off much heat. He couldn’t resist relaying a quick spank to it, the crackling sound complementing that given off by their passionate kissing. Kyle’s fingers likewise danced along Bralen’s lean frame, foolishly searching for any likeness to Heath’s physique. Finding none they soon settled on Bralen’s ass, which was not as robust as Heath’s, and began parting the cheeks.
Bralen (feeling the fingers): Oh, Kyle! (moving to kiss him)
Kyle: I knew you’d like it. (sotto voce) You always did.
He had to shake his head to keep his mind off Heath. We’re no longer together. It’s different now. I’m with someone else. Bralen is fantastic and I shouldn’t minimize what he have here by comparing him to Heath. But that’s just the hard part. I told Nathan the other day that no one could compare to Heath, and no words could be truer. Yet I must try to move on. It’s not fair to Bralen. By this point, Bralen had shifted his weight, moving southward into a position to which he had become quite accustomed and for which he had gained a modicum of notoriety. Kyle’s mouth opened to release an ecstatic moan, and as he looked down between his legs, his heart jumped at the shade of hair atop Bralen’s hair. His mind had expected to see Heath’s signature gold locks. Snap out of it! He’s no longer blond anyway. The last time I saw him he had dyed it black. What had possessed him to do that? It doesn’t matter. I still love him.
Kyle (feeling Bralen’s nose firmly pressed against his pubes): Oh my God! (clutching the sheets for several seconds before Bralen comes off it for breath)
Bralen: That may be a record. You’ll have to time it the next time. (looking him seductively in the eye) I want you now.
They started out spooning with Kyle’s eyes facing Bralen’s back, the rhythm slow and steady. Having closed his eyes, Kyle leaned over to kiss the nape of Bralen’s neck, his hot breath making the hairs stand on end. He reached his hand over Bralen’s hip, seeking out his cock and stroked it in sync with each thrust. Kyle’s ears sought to hear Heath’s moans but were sorely disappointed to find Bralen’s pitch too high to come from Heath, and once more Kyle had to remind his body not to think of Heath. Moving into a more fevered pace, Kyle’s hips and hand worked in tandem to bring Bralen to orgasm, the warm proof spilling over Kyle’s fingers as he unwrapped them from Bralen’s cock. Bralen then turned around to directly face Kyle to look deep in to his eyes and kiss him.
Kyle (pulling away): I really should get going.
Bralen (looking downward): But you didn’t cum—
Kyle: It’s okay. (kissing him) What’s important is that you did.
Bralen (grabbing towel to wipe down): C’mon, Kyle. Level with me. Are you out of juice? I may have drained you these past few days.
Kyle (spanking Bralen’s ass): Dream on, Yogi. I just have a lot on my mind.
Like Heath! I can’t keep doing this to myself. I need answers, and it’s high time I go in search of them. I need to go to that crash site on the coast. Maybe there’s something there they missed. I know Heath better than they do, and if he left anything behind, just maybe that’ll lead me back to him.
Bralen (snapping his fingers): Kyle! Earth to Kyle!
Kyle: Sorry, I was—
Bralen: You’re right. You do have a lot on your mind. Care to tell me about it?
Kyle (shrugging): It’s just work stuff. (suddenly thinking of a suitable lie) You know this stuff with Chloe being attacked. I want to get the bastards responsible.
Bralen (moving in to kiss him): You’re an honorable man, Kyle Walgrove. I’m going to hop into the shower, want to join me?
Heath always wanted to shower together after sex. He liked for us to hold one another with the warm water flowing over us, washing away the sweat on our bodies. Heath Alcott, where are you? That’s it! I’m going to find you one way or another.
Kyle: I’m going to issue a rain check. (seeing Bralen effect puppy eyes) Don’t do that. I need to get into the station for a bit. I’ll be back, and we—
Bralen (grinning from ear to ear): --can finish what we started.
Kyle hated telling lies, but he had to get some alone time. Once Bralen went into the shower, he readied himself for an impromptu trip up the coast.
Talon had been having an evening out on the Sunset Strip, getting a little carried away with his alcohol consumption at a few bars. He had chatted with several men and received a few invites to go back to their places, but he respectfully declined them. Realizing that he was in over his head, he decided to go back to his hotel. I have to make good on my promise to make Callum the only man in my life. I don’t want to repeat that debacle with Tristan ever again. That really hurt him. I just need to get back to the hotel and take a cold shower. At least there won’t be any unsavory surprises there. Talon couldn’t have been more wrong, for as he got out his taxi and headed past the reception desk, he did not see that Lady Eleanor Armitage was checking into the hotel.
Estrella was driving through West Hollywood on her way home when an impulse told her to go by Tristan’s apartment. She had received a text message from him saying that he was out of town with a friend. I wonder who this mysterious friend of his is. I hope he isn’t with that crone I saw at his place the other day. Tristan has responsibilities and obligations to me. We were supposed to meet up the other night. He knows I’ll take care of him. She had arrived at the apartment and knocked on the door. Vincenzo, wearing a black shorts and a matching sleeveless shirt, opened the door.
Vincenzo: Bella! How are you? (moving aside for her to enter)
Estrella: Have I come at a bad time?
Vincenzo: N-No. (picking up dumbbells on couch) I was exercising. (lifting weights for bicep curls, Estrella seeing the his hard muscles at work)
Estrella: H-Have you heard back from your brother?
Vincenzo (seductively looking her in the eyes): What exactly is your relationship to him? (removes his shirt, exposing his nice, ripped torso)
Estrella: What’s it to you? (watching him wipe down his body with shirt)
Vincenzo: Bella—
Estrella: First off, it’s Estrella, not Bella.
Vincenzo (coming over to her): I like your feisty spirit. I’ve seen how you look at me. Ever since we met that first time—
Estrella (her heart racing, she moves away): I-I thought you were Tristan.
Vincenzo: So you’re that close to him?
Estrella: Look, I’m not one for playing games. Have you heard from your brother?
Vincenzo: Not since yesterday. He sent me a very strange text.
Estrella: That he was out of town with a friend? (seeing him nod) I got that one, too. (suddenly curious) What was so strange about it?
Vincenzo (looking her in the eye): Bella, he sent it to me in English. Tristano always writes me in Italian.
Justin: Thanks for putting me in your room.
Iain: I only did it for Enid. I don’t want her expelled.
Justin: Neither do I. Look, I’ll be out of your hair soon.
Iain: Until that happens, I should lay down some ground rules. One, don’t touch anything of mine! Two, you come and go when I say. Three, stay away from the girls’ floor.
With the last condition, Justin was actually quite content since the bathrooms were communal, and Enid had to stand guard outside while he made use of the facility. He silently nodded agreement to Iain’s rules and sat down on the bed.
Iain: And one other thing, you’ll be sleeping on the floor.
Justin: Fine by me. That’s what I did in Enid’s room.
Iain threw down a quilt and sheets to the floor and quickly assembled a pallet for Justin.
Iain: Don’t expect me to pick up behind you, either. (presses control for the stereo to start playing, then sits at his desk, turns on lamp) Let me know if it’s too loud. I’ve got loads of reading to do and the music keeps me focused.
Justin: It’s cool. (lies back on the pallet, crossing his hands behind his back, closes his eyes and rests for a few moments) Hey, who’s this you’re listening to?
Iain (his back to Justin): The Libertines, one of the greatest bands out of England. (raising his hand pointing to a poster on the wall, depicting two youthful men in a friendly, platonic embrace—which to Justin’s eyes was somewhat questionable) Why do you ask?
Justin: I like the sound.
Iain: I got a chance to see them a few years back before they broke up. I wish they’d get back together. (gesturing once more to the poster) In case you’re wondering that’s the cover of their second album.
Justin: You and Enid have different tastes in music.
Iain: We have different tastes in everything from music to mates.
Justin: For what it’s worth, I like your music better than hers.
Iain (turning around in chair to face him): Let me hazard a guess. She’s still playing Lamb.
Justin (grinning): Yeah, how’d you—
Iain: She’s really into their sound as am I. It was her brother Callum that got us into them. He even had one of their songs sung by the actual vocalist at his wedding.
Justin: That’s so gay!
Iain: Does Enid know you feel that way? (Justin’s suddenly silent) That’s what I thought. Anyway, they broke up around the same time as the Libertines, so both Enid and I were torn. Anyway, enough idle talk… some of us have school.
Justin: Good night.
Iain went back to reading and aside from the music everything was calm. The dorms weren’t air-conditioned, and there was no breeze coming through the window. Twenty minutes into his reading, he heard rustling and quickly turned to see Justin raise his back from the floor to remove his shirt. Ever mindful, Iain snapped on the blow fan and went back to his studies. Half an hour later he looked back to see Justin lying asleep on the floor, his smooth chest gently rising and falling. Iain allowed himself a quick, lingering stare before returning to his work, awkwardly now finding it difficult to concentrate in spite of the music.
Tristan had not seen Rodrigo in twenty-hour hours and was starting to panic once more about his safety. He spent most of the night thinking of possible escape tactics, and all of them he figuratively shot down. Rodrigo and his lackeys have guns. They’d kill me before I make it a few feet away. I don’t know what this nutcase has planned, but it can’t be good. At least he’s not starving me to death. At this point in his thoughts, the door opened and the two thugs entered, one of them carrying a bag of food and the other had a pair of jeans Rodrigo had promised him. They untied him and took him through the same routine of bathroom and food breaks. On this particular evening, Tristan garnered some courage to speak to them after he finished eating.
Tristan: How long am I going to be here?
Thug #1: Until Rodrigo says so.
Tristan: Do you always take orders from him?
Thug #1: Just eat!
Thug #2: We make our own rules. That’s how we roll.
Thug #1: Shut up, Stupid!
Tristan (to Thug #2 in bandages): What happened to you?
Thug #2: What does it look like? I was hurt.
Thug #1: We’re not supposed to talk to him. (to Tristan) Time to lock you back up.
Tristan (seeing Thug #2 point gun at him): C’mon, Man. (he’s cuffed back to the wall pipe, sees jeans in the corner) Hey, what about my clothes?
Thug #2: I like you the way you are in those Calvins. (advancing upon him) I would probably like what’s inside them.
Thug #1: Gustav—(realizing he’s about to give out a name) Dude, stop it. Rodrigo—
Thug #2: He’s not here. He ain’t gon’ mind. (getting on his knees, tugging on Tristan’s undies)
Tristan: Hey, dude, don’t!
Thug #2: I think he needs to be told who’s running the show.
Tristan (futilely moving his cuffed hands): Look, Bro, I’m not into this.
Thug #2 (to #1): Would you shut this fucker up?
Thug #1 put the bandana back around Tristan’s neck and mouth as the other thug freed Tristan of his undies, Tristan’s legs flailing in defiance as he tried shouting through the cloth. When he felt the cold steel of the gun placed firmly against his left temple, he stopped rebelling. He soon felt the warmth of a mouth enclosing over his cock. His body reacted naturally to it, his piece stiffening to full effect as the tongue and saliva aroused its hypersensitive skin.
Thug #1: I think he likes it.
Thug #2 (pulling his mouth off): I can’t take it all. You want to try?
Tristan found the other one more adept at orally handling his mammoth scepter, particularly as the thug’s tongue played with the area between his foreskin and the bulb of his cock. Tristan tired very hard not to like this sensation forced upon him, but it had been days since he last had sex. The two of them traded back and forth, Tristan resisting the urge to moan as he was worried of what they had planned for him next. His main concern was whether it would progress to penetration as he was a total top. He was spared this worry when the phone rang, and one of the thugs answered it. The other was still at work, sucking away when Tristan at last blew his load in his mouth, unleashing a manly grunt as his cock was pulled on by the thug’s grimy hands.
Thug #2: I heard you were one of those gigolos. How much do you charge?
Tristan: Fuck you!
Thug #2: I bet you wish you could. (seeing Tristan’s wallet on table, goes over to it) How’s bout you pay me for sucking you off? (starts fishing through wallet and comes upon something that elicits a vocal response from him) Hey, Joe! Look at this.
Thug #1 (snapping): What is it, Stupid? I told you not to say names. (being handed a wallet-sized photo) Isn’t this—
Thug #2: Yeah! (bending down and shoving Heath’s photo in Tristan’s face) Is this your boyfriend?
Thug #1: You should know he’s a really good fuck.
Thug #2: A few weeks back we did to him what we just did to you.
Thug #1: Yeah, but we went the whole nine yards except he screamed like a bitch. Joe, his hole was so fucking tight I thought he was a virgin.
Tristan fought back tears as his mind processed all this. He now knew what had been bothering Heath all that time and why he didn’t want to be close to him.
Thug #2: Why you crying, dude? We ain’t gone that far with you yet, but there’s always tomorrow.
Thug #1: Yeah, and if you say anything to Rodrigo about this—
He left it unfinished, but Tristan knew what he would have said. He was not crying for himself but for Heath and what had happened to him. I only wish you could have told me, Heath. Now I can only wish that you are well, alive, and safe from harm.
Sade’s “No Ordinary Love”ends this episode as Heath wrapped his arms around Kyle, tears filling both their eyes. He looked lovingly into Kyle’s eyes, having missed them several weeks, their intoxicating beauty a most welcome sensation. Leaning his head against Kyle’s brawny shoulder, Heath exhaled and at last felt safe again in Kyle’s strong arms.
Heath: Y-You found me.
Kyle (pulling away to look at him): I never stopped looking for you, Heath. You know how much I love you. I-I thought you had—
Heath: Just hold me, Kyle. Never let me go again.
The reunion felt so good. They stood there for a few minutes, locked in each other’s arms, Kyle rocking him back and forth as if they were an old, married couple, listening tot heir favorite song on the radio. Heath smelled Kyle’s manly cologne, the scent instantly reminding him of mornings when he would spray it onto Kyle after he had exited the shower and dried down. Tears continued springing from Heath’s eyes.
Kyle: Shhh! (gently away Heath’s tears with his thumbs) There’s no need to cry ever again.
Heath: I love you, Kyle. I-I’ve just been so—so blind.
He felt Kyle’s mouth descend upon his, feeling the touch of his lips and tasting their sweetness. The kiss still held all the magic Heath remembered them having as he looped his arms around Kyle’s neck. He felt himself walking backwards several feet as Kyle leaned into him, the short distance from the door to the edge of the bed. Heath fell back against the soft mattress and looked up into Kyle’s eyes as his hands tenderly cradled Heath’s head.
Kyle (whispering): Do you want to—
Heath: I-I do.
Kyle: You know I would never hurt you.
Heath: I know that now.
Kyle: I want to hold you again, feel you in my arms, know that you’re real.
Heath hugged him, his hands feeling the outline of Kyle’s muscular frame as he felt his back flatten against the mattress. Kyle gently moved atop him, kissing him with the sweetest adoration. He felt Kyle’s hot breath upon his neck, and tears continued coming to his eyes. You found me. Thank God you did. I need you now more than ever. I realize you’re the one for me. Heath felt Kyle’s lips upon his neck, brushing against the skin before the moisture of his mouth made contact. It was with the unexpected bite that Heath first became alarmed, for as soon as it had been delivered, he felt Kyle’s weight pinning him down. He could feel Kyle’s erection ramming against his inner thighs. This was not romantic frottage and the aggressive nature of it unsettled Heath.
Heath: Kyle, slow down!
Panic seized him when he felt the strength of a hand clamping onto his mouth to silence him. Heath tried to scream but nothing came out. Reaching his own hand up, he pried it from his lips, and in that starting moment he fully opened his eyes to the darkness of the room. It had been a dream or so he thought, for in that lingering second, Heath still felt the weight of a body, mechanically thrusting downward into him. Once his eyes were accustomed to the dark, Heath knew he had awakened from a dream to a living nightmare. Trey was in the bed with him, forcing himself onto him.
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